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Syaifa Shufiawati - Personal Name

The Correlation between Metacognitive Awareness and Listening Comprehension Proficiency of The Fourth Semester English Department Students Academic Years 2020/2021

The aims of conducting this research was to find out the relationship between metacognitive awareness and listening comprehension proficiency of the fourth semester students of English Department. The design of this study was correlational with quantitative approach. The sample of this study was 99 fourth Semester students of English Department of Mulawarman University. The metacognitive questionnaire was adapted from Vandergrift (2006) and listening test was adopted from ITP TOEFL. The data of this study were analyzed using Spearman Product Moment since the data is not normal. There are outliers in the data due to students’ different listening score ranged from high to low. The data analysis result of metacognitive questionnaire showed that the fourth semester English Department students’ metacognitive level was (M=4.27) and deemed as ‘average’. This result implied that participants applied metacognitive but not in high usage. The data analysis for the listening test showed that the mean score of students’ listening proficiency was (M=60.91), which is considered as intermediate mid degree of proficiency. It can be inferred that the participants had accurate comprehension in a familiar topic but need more practice to gain better listening. The result of the Spearman Product (0.065) showed that there was a positive and very weak correlation. This means Null Hypothesis (Ho) is accepted and the Alternative Hypothesis (Ha) is rejected. This result meant that students’ metacognitive awareness and listening proficiency can be increased positively in linear manner. But, the correlation is very weak since there are many other factors affecting listening proficiency. Thus there is no significant correlation between metacognitive awareness and listening comprehension proficiency.



Detail Information

Judul The Correlation between Metacognitive Awareness and Listening Comprehension Proficiency of The Fourth Semester English Department Students Academic Years 2020/2021
Pengarang Syaifa Shufiawati - Personal Name
No. Panggil SKRIPSI SYA t 2020
Subyek Listening Comprehension Proficiency
correlation, Quantitative, Metacognitive Awareness
Bahasa Indonesia
Tempat Terbit Universitas Mulawarman
Tahun Terbit 2020
Jurusan Pendidikan Bahasa Inggris
Lampiran Berkas

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