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Chintari Azsa Argian - Personal Name

The Correlation Between Emotional Intelligence and Reading Comprehension of The Fourth Semester English Department Students of Mulawarman University Academic Year 2019/2020

This study examined the correlation between emotional intelligence and reading comprehension of the English Department students. Emotional intelligence is one of many factors that influence students’ English learning performance especially reading comprehension. It is believed that emotional intelligence has a correlation with comprehension skill since learning a language is a communicative task in nature, and the ability to communicate and learn a language, knowing emotions, and being able to control them plays an important role. Emotional intelligence believed to represents abilities that join intelligence and emotion to improve thoughts. Even so, there are some studies that have contrary arguments. The purposes of this study were: (1) to know the emotional intelligence level of the 4th semester students of English Department Mulawarman University; (2) to know the reading comprehension achievement of the 4th semester students of English Department Mulawarman University; (3) to determine whether there is any significant correlation between emotional intelligence level and reading comprehension achievement of the 4th semester students of English Department Mulawarman University. The populations of this study were 105 students with 52 students were taken as the sample. This study was a quantitative study with correlational design. The Schutte’s Emotional Intelligence Test (SSEIT) questionnaire and Peterson’s Master TOEFL Reading Skills Test were used as the instruments. Pearson Product Moment was used to obtain the answer of the problem of the study. The results of this study were: (1) the emotional intelligence level of the 4th semester English Department students was moderate supported by the average score of 50; (2) the reading comprehension achievement of the 4th semester English Department students was also moderate, supported by the average score of 50; (3) the correlation of emotional intelligence level and reading comprehension achievement was found in rc= -.151. It was compared to rt value at á = 0.05, df residual (N – 2) = 50 was 0.2732. Therefore it can be seen that rc was lower than rt (-0.151 < 0.2732) and Sig. value (0.284) > 0.05, thus Ha was rejected and Ho was accepted. This meant that there was no significant correlation found between students’ emotional intelligence and students’ reading comprehension. Based on the findings of the study, it was suggested to the lecturers and the students to pay more attention to other factors that relevant to emotional intelligence and reading comprehension.



Detail Information

Judul The Correlation Between Emotional Intelligence and Reading Comprehension of The Fourth Semester English Department Students of Mulawarman University Academic Year 2019/2020
Pengarang Chintari Azsa Argian - Personal Name
No. Panggil SKRIPSI CHI t 2020
Subyek Correlational Design, Emotional Intelligence, Read
Bahasa English
Tempat Terbit Universitas Mulawarman
Tahun Terbit 2020
Jurusan Bahasa dan Seni
Lampiran Berkas

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