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TRI WULANDARI - Personal Name

Code Mixing in Seleb English Video Content on YouTube

language is a tool used to communicate and to convey our ideas. It is because language is involved in every feature of human experience, and it reflects the representation of that experience. The study of language is known as linguistics. In linguistics there is a branch that focuses on the study of language in relation to society, namely sociolinguistics. The connection between human being and communication actually becomes the focus of sociolinguistics study. One phenomenon that occurs in the field of sociolinguistics in bilingual or multilingual societies is code mixing.
Code mixing usage is easily found in public communication, especially in everyday communication in formal and non-formal language in communication. And also code mixing can develop the language by using more than one language.In this millennial era, code mixing is commonly found in social media, especially in YouTube. Considering the previously mentioned phenomena, this research focuses on analyzing and observing the code mixing on YouTube entitled Seleb English by Sacha Stevenson.
This research used qualitative research. The researcher applied qualitative descriptive method because the data of this study was described by looking at the reality that occurred in the form of oral language, then analyzed and interpreted objectively which was then written with descriptions in the form of words and languages. But it cannot be separated from doing a fact search with the right interpretation. And this research is targeted to describe the types of code mixing and the reasons of using code mixing which are conveyed by Sacha Stevenson’s narrations.
The purposes of this study were to find out the types and to determine the reasons of using code mixing based on Muysken’s theory of the types (2000) and Hoffmans’s theory of the reasons (1991). Based on the result of this research, it is found that there are three types of code mixing such as insertion, alternation, and congruent lexicalization. In addition, the researcher found that the reasons of using code mixing in Seleb English are talking about a particular topic, being emphatic about something (express solidarity), interjection, repetition used for clarification, and expressing group identity.
Key words: Sociolinguistics, Code, Code Mixing, Seleb English



Detail Information

Judul Code Mixing in Seleb English Video Content on YouTube
Pengarang TRI WULANDARI - Personal Name
No. Panggil SKRIPSI TRI c 2020
Subyek Sociolinguistics, Code, Code Mixing, Seleb English
Bahasa English
Tempat Terbit Universitas Mulawarman
Tahun Terbit 2020
Penerbit Fakultas Ilmu Budaya
Jurusan Sastra Inggris
Lampiran Berkas

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