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Implicature in The Proposal Movie

In communication there are some people who utter their thought implicitly. The way people say implicitly is studied in implicature study. Based on Yule, implicatures are examples of more being communicated than is said. This research focuses on analyzing the implicature done by the main characters Margaret Tate and Andrew Paxton in The Proposal Movie. Margaret Tate and Andrew have occupational relationship. However, they have a secret agreement to be fake lovers. It happens because Margaret asked Andrew’s help her to be not deported to Canada. The first research question of this research is what are the utterances of the main characters Margaret Tate and Andrew Paxton that contain implicature and the second question is what are the contexts of the implied meaning in The Proposal movie. To classify the utterance which contained the implicature, the researcher used implicature theory by Grice and its context used context theory by Hymes. This research used qualitative method and content analysis approach as the research design.
The result of this research is the researcher got 23 data of conversational implicature and 14 data of conventional implicature. 15 data from 23 data of conversational implicare are done by Andrew. From the data that the researcher found, component of the context that prominent between Andrew and Margaret was participants. From 15 data done by Andrew, the contexts of participant are vertical dimension. Vertical dimension is a component that relates to social factors such as age or social status. The seven data of this research were vertical dimension of social status between Margaret as a boss and Andrew as her assistant. Then, the other eight data were social status of both of Margaret and Andrew as a fake lover.

Keywords: implicature, conventional implicature, conversational implicature, maxim, The Proposal



Detail Information

Judul Implicature in The Proposal Movie
Pengarang Aprillia Miftaqul Wijiningtias - Personal Name
No. Panggil SKRIPSI APR i 2020
Subyek implicature, conventional implicature, conversatio
Bahasa English
Tempat Terbit Universitas Mulawarman
Tahun Terbit 2020
Penerbit Fakultas Ilmu Budaya
Jurusan Sastra Inggris
Lampiran Berkas

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