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Fitri Handayani - Personal Name

The correlation between reading motivation and reading comprehension of the third semester students of English Department at Mulawarman University

Handayani, Fitri. 2020. “The correlation between reading motivation and reading comprehension of the third semester students of Mulawarman University”. Mulawarman University. Samarinda. Advisor; (1) Dr. Weningtyas Parama Iswari, M.Ed, (2) Dra. Ida Wardani, M.Pd. Reading is the process of getting information from the written text between the reader and the writer in order to get something with the information they get and motivation make students have to know what factors that can help them to be more engage and have more desire in reading. The purposes of the study : (1) to find the level of reading motivation of the third semester students of English Department of Mulawarman University in the academic year 2019/2020. (2) to find the level of reading comprehension of the third semester students of English Department of Mulawarman University in the academic year 2019/2020. (3) to find the correlation between students reading motivation and reading comprehension of the third semester students of English Department of Mulawarman University in the academic year 2019/2020 The method of this research is quantitative research correlational design and this research used the instruments adopted from Komiyama (2013) questionnaire and Barrons’ TOEFL for reading test to collect the data. The research involved third semester students at Department of English Language Education in Mulawarman University in the academic year 2019/2020. This study showed three findings. First, the students’ level of reading motivation based on the result of questionnaire was Medium Level (126.12). With the highest result in Extrinsic Motivation in sub-Indicator “Grades”. Second, the students’ level of reading comprehension based on result of reading test was “Good” with the mean score was 81.2. The last, the result of Pearson product moment correlations between reading motivation and reading comprehension achievement was .843, it was classified in high correlation . The result was indicated that students reading motivation and reading comprehension achivement with T-value (10.96) was significantly higher than T-table (1.677) with sig (,000) was lower then probablitiy (.05). The data were analyzed by using Pearson Product Moment in SPSS program. Keyword: Correlation, Reading Motivation, Reading Comprehension, Third Semester Students



Detail Information

Judul The correlation between reading motivation and reading comprehension of the third semester students of English Department at Mulawarman University
Pengarang Fitri Handayani - Personal Name
No. Panggil SKRIPSI FIT t 2020
Subyek Reading habit, English achievement, correlation
Bahasa English
Tempat Terbit Universitas Mulawarman
Tahun Terbit 2020
Jurusan Bahasa Inggris
Lampiran Berkas

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