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Alvianus Tandi Rerung - Personal Name

The Effectiveness Of Unexploded Dictation And Dictogloss On Listening Achievement Of The Second Grade Students Of SMK Kesehatan Samarinda

Rerung, Alvianus Tandi 2018. The Effectiveness of Unexploded Dictation and Dictogloss on Listening Achievement Of The Second Grade Students of SMK Kesehatan Samarinda. Thesis. English Education Study Program of Language and Art Education Department of Faculty of Teacher Training and Education of Mulawarman University. Advisor: (I) Dr. Iwan Setiawan, S.Pd., M.Pd (II) Dr. Desy Rusmawaty, S.Pd., MA.

Listening is one of English skillls learnt by the students besides three other skills: speaking, reading, and writing. By listening to the language around them, students are expected to have good listening ability, the students are expected to decode what spaker encodes or what the speakers means This study was aimed to find the effectiveness of unexploded dictation and dictogloss in students’ listening achievement of the second grade of SMK Kesehatan Samarinda.The design of this study was experimental design: quasi experimental. The sample of the study was taken from the students of SMK Kesehatan Samarinda. The study was held in a sample that consisted of two groups. The Unexploded experimental group was XI Keperawatan 1 consisted of 36 students and was taught by using unexploded dictation. The dictogloss experimental group was XI Keperawatan 6 consisted of
31 students and was taught by using dictogloss.The first hypothesis testing was done with t-test Dependent Sample, and obtained the t Table = -8.698 and the t table was -2.030, because the t was -8.698 or < than -2.034, it means that there was significant difference in listening achievement before and after the treatment in unexploded dictation experimental group. The second hypothesis testing has been done with t-test Dependent Sample, and obtained the t table = -13.349, and the t table was -2.042, because the t table was 13.349 or < than -2.042, it means that there was significant difference in listening achievement before and after the treatment in dictogloss experimenal group. And the third hypothesis testing has been done with t-test Independent Sample, and obtained the sig. = 0,01 and the probability was 0.05, because the sig. was 0.01 or < than 0.05, it means that there was significant difference in listening achievement between unexploded dictation experimental group and the dictogloss experimental group after the treatment. Because the mean difference of unexploded dictation was 65.58 and dictogloss was 74.27, the Dictogloss had been proved to be more effecive in improving listening achievement of the second grade students of SMK Kesehatan Samarinda. Based on the result in this study the conclusion of this study showed that Dictogloss had a great assist for students’ listening achievement. This is also supported by the results of Effect Size calculations which indicate a large effect. Since Dictogloss offers blending of teaching listening comperhension and the assessment of sudents’ listening avhievement, students listening achievement learning were more meaningfull, challenging, and understandable and also interesting.

Keywords: Effectiveness, Unexploded dictation, Dictogloss, Learning achievement.



Detail Information

Judul The Effectiveness Of Unexploded Dictation And Dictogloss On Listening Achievement Of The Second Grade Students Of SMK Kesehatan Samarinda
Pengarang Alvianus Tandi Rerung - Personal Name
No. Panggil
Subyek Effectiveness, Unexploded dictation, Dictogloss, L
Bahasa English
Tempat Terbit Universitas Mulawarman
Tahun Terbit 2019
Lampiran Berkas

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