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Dezelin Brigitha Julan - Personal Name

Racial Discrimination Issues as Shown by Solomon and Patsey in 12 Years A Slave Movie

This study aimed to describe the portrayal of racial discrimination as shown in Solomon and Patsey characters of 12 Years A Slave movie. In order to do so, this study used Allport’s theory of intentional, explicit discrimination focusing on several types of racial discrimination such as verbal antagonism, avoidance,segregation, physical attacks, and extermination. The data used in this study were words in forms of narration, dialogue, and action related to the portrayal of racial
discrimination towards Solomon and Patsey characters that were taken from 12 Years A Slave movie script.
This study showed that the portrayal of racial discrimination as shown in Solomon and Patsey characters of 12 Years A Slave movie was classified into five types of intentional, explicit discrimination behaviours such as verbal antagonism, avoidance, segregation, physical attacks, and extermination. On one hand, the portrayal of racial discrimination as shown in Solomon character was included as verbal antagonism, avoidance, segregation, physical attacks, and extermination.
On the other hand, the portrayal as shown in Patsey character was a bit different since Patsey did not experience any segregation treatment. This study concluded the portrayal of racial discrimination as shown in Solomon and Patsey characters occured as the result of white supremacy ideology as the basis thinking and belief of most white characters in the movie.
Key words: racial, discrimination, racial discrimination, character



Detail Information

Judul Racial Discrimination Issues as Shown by Solomon and Patsey in 12 Years A Slave Movie
Pengarang Dezelin Brigitha Julan - Personal Name
No. Panggil
Subyek Key words:racial, discrimination, racial discrimin
Bahasa English
Tempat Terbit Universitas Mulawarman
Tahun Terbit 2019
Lampiran Berkas

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