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Muniralizah Nurman - Personal Name

Class Exploitation in Ron Rash’s Serena Novel: A Marxist Criticism

This study examined Serena novel written by Ron Rash as the object of the research. The aimed of this research was to find out the portrayal of class distinction and labor exploitation in Serena novel. To achieve the purposes of the study, the research applied Marx’s Social Class and Exploitation theory, and International Labor Organization or ILO’s Indicators of Labor Exploitation. This research used descriptive qualitative research method and Marxist criticism toanalyze the social issue of class exploitation reflected in the novel. The data in thisresearch were words, phrases, sentences and paragraphs that indicated social class and exploitation in the novel.
The result of this research showed two social classes they werebourgeoisie and proletariat. Bourgeoisie referred to Serena, Pemberton, Buchananand Wilkie. They was owner of timber business, their wealth was from the threesthey cut and from proletariat work, dressed in find, neat and clean clothes andpowerful in controlled the proletariat’s condition and mind. While proletariat werethe workers whose life only depended on bourgeoisie for employment, wore biboverall which was a manufacturing workwear, cheap but tough material like flannel shirt and pants also worn and old color clothes, they were powerless that their reaction was silent and accepting toward the exploitation.
Meanwhile, there were four forms of labor exploitation. First wasexcessive working hour, like worked eleven hours shift a day and only fifteenminutes break. Second was low salary, like cheap labor and inappropriate wages.
Third was bad living condition, like limited and uncomfortable living condition,live in cheap and ragged wooden boxcar. And fourth was hazardous work, like no safety equipment, manual and dangerous tools, forced to work in moody ground and against extreme cold.
Keyword: Marxist criticism, Capitalism, Class distinction, Exploitation, Mode of production.



Detail Information

Judul Class Exploitation in Ron Rash’s Serena Novel: A Marxist Criticism
Pengarang Muniralizah Nurman - Personal Name
No. Panggil
Subyek Keyword: Marxist criticism, Capitalism, Class dist
Bahasa English
Tempat Terbit Universitas Mulawarman
Tahun Terbit 2019
Lampiran Berkas

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