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Anggi Aisyadatina - Personal Name

Politeness Strategies in Offering Context between Male and Female of Sixth Semester Students in Mulawarman University

Anggi Aisyadatina, 2017. Politeness Strategies in Offering Context between Male and Female of Sixth Semester Students of Mulawarman University. S1 Thesis. Sarjana Degree, English Department, Faculty of Teacher Training and Education. Mulawarman University, Advisor : (1) Prof. Dr. Susilo, M.Pd (2) Dr. Yuni Utami Asih, M.Pd.

This study focused to compare politeness strategies in offering context between male and female of sixth semester students of Mulawarman University with using causal comparative method. In more detail, the purposes of this study are to find out the result of politeness strategy in offering context on male and female of sixth semester students and to find out significance difference result of politeness strategies in offering context between male and female of sixth semester students in Mulawarman University.

The researcher invited 107 sixth semester students as the participants from population with random sampling. They included 75 females and 32 males. The sample was given DCT Questionnaire Adapted from Qahtani (2009) that included 15 acts about offering context. The DCT questionnaire was given to measure the politeness strategies that they used based on Brown and Levinson Theory.

The study showed the mean score of the female was 4,2 with dominant percentage from politeness strategies 44% and negative politeness 31%, the dominant reason was social distance 65%. It means that the average of politeness level from female students placed in middle level, the female students chose to speak semi direct and semi indirect ways when offered something with gave the consideration in social relation most. Meanwhile, the mean score of the male was 3,4 with dominant politeness strategies were positive politeness 41% and bald on record 34%, the dominant reason was social distance 65%. It means that the average of politeness level from male students placed in low level, the male students chose to speak in semi direct and direct or to the point ways when offered something with gave consideration to the social relation most. The statistical analysis used t-test formula showed that the t value was 4.969 with df= 106, and the level of significant at 5% was 1.98. It can be concluded that 4,969>1.98 or t-value> t-table. It means that alternative hypothesis (Ha) was accepted and null hypothesis (Ho) was rejected because there is a significance of politeness strategies between male and female of Mulawarman

Keywords : Politeness Strategies, Female, Male, Sixth Semester Students, Mulawarman University, Discourse Completion Test Questionnaire.



Detail Information

Judul Politeness Strategies in Offering Context between Male and Female of Sixth Semester Students in Mulawarman University
Pengarang Anggi Aisyadatina - Personal Name
No. Panggil
Subyek Politeness Strategies, Female, Male, Sixth Semeste
Bahasa English
Tempat Terbit Universitas Mulawarman
Tahun Terbit 2017
Penerbit S2 Pendidikan Bahasa Inggris
Lampiran Berkas

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